Interest Calculator

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Here you can select the Interest Calculator to help you find future value or value after interest. Every Interest Calculator can be configured and customized to calculate various interest questions. These calculators can be used both on your mobile device as well as on your computer. Every Interest Calculator is free and easy to use.

Every Interest Calculator is a great resource for someone looking to solve how interest will affect the value of an asset.

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Detailed Description for Every Interest Calculator

Compound Interest Calculator
This Interest Calculator will help you to find equivalent compound interest rates that are compounded at different frequencies. This Compound Interest Calculator will allow to enter an interest rate at a particular compounding frequency and see what that interest rate would equate to at a different frequency.

Future Value Calculator
This Interest Calculator will help you to find the future value of periodic investments. This Future Value Calculator will allow you to enter an intial investment, the interest rate, and a periodic deposit amount.

Interest Calculator
This Interest Calculator will help you to find out how much interest an investment with regular contributions will earn over time. This Interest Calculator will allow you to enter the starting balance of the investment, annual and monthly contributions, the annual interest rate and compounding frequency, the time span you would like to check over, as well as tax and inflation rates.