Retirement Calculator

Retirement Calculator

This Retirement Calculator will help you to find out how much you will need to have saved by the time you retire.
This Retirement Calculator will allow you to enter your current age and income, retirement age and annual income needed post retirement, expected social security income, life expectancy, and any additional sources of income. It will return an estimate for the savings needed to match your after retirement income needs.

This Retirement Calculator is a great resource for Retirement Planning.

Current Age
Retirement Age
Life Expectancy
Current Annual Income
Annual Income Needed after Retirement (in today's dollars)
Expected Monthly Social Security Income
Other Monthly Income After Retirement
Average Annual Investment Returns
Annual Inflation Rate

Savings Needed by Retirement
Equivalent Purchase Power
Monthly Income at
   From Savings
   From Social Security
   From Other Income
Monthly Income at
   From Savings
   From Social Security
   From Other Income
Amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar. Amounts are calculated assuming retirement upon turning , and for savings to last up until turning . All interest is compounded annually. Tables show amounts pertaining to the year that you are that age.

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