Nutrition Calculator

Protein Calculator

This Nutrition Calculator will allow you to calculate the recommended amount of protein to consume per day based on your inputs.
This Protein Calculator will help inform nutrition decisions on how to balance proteins vs other sources of calories.
You will need to input age, sex, height, weight and activity levels in either US or Metric units.

This Protein Calculator is a great resource for Nutrition.

Unit Type:

Height inches
Weight pounds

Goal: Daily Calories (Cals): Protein Allowed at 10% Cals from Protein: Protein Allowed at 20% Cals from Protein: Protein Allowed at 25% Cals from Protein: Protein Allowed at 35% Cals from Protein:
Maintain Weight
Lose 1lb/wk
Lose 2lb/wk
Gain 1lb/wk
Gain 2lb/wk

Please enjoy using our Protein Calculator.

Click here for another Nutrition Calculator